Nigeria’s cental bank has raised alarm over activities of fraudsters trying to defraud citizens during the coronavirus lock-down.

The CBN noted that some of the cyber-criminal activities using the COVID-19 pandemic include phishing campaigns, relief packages, and impersonation.

“The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) wishes to alert the general public that cyber-criminals are taking advantage of the current “COVID-19” pandemic to defraud citizens, steal sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to computers or mobile devices using various techniques,” the apex bank said.

CBN said the cyber-criminals do “send out emails claiming to be from health organizations such as the Nigerian Center for Disease Control (NCDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO).”

The emails, containing phishing links, if clicked, allow criminals steal login credentials or other confidential information from the victim’s computer or mobile device, CBN warned.

The central bank also warned Nigerians to be wary messages via social media or emails asking people to click on links to register in order to get their COVID-19 relief packages.

“Relief package scams also come in the form of phone calls asking people to provide their banking details to receive relief packages,” it said.

It advised people to “avoid clicking on links or attachments in emails that claim to have more information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and also “obtain relief package or other information from trusted news media.”

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